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Contact Us

If you have any questions about the SWABL league, teams, spaces available, etc., please send us an email here and we'll reply as soon as possible.

Mailing address:
15640 NE Fourth Plain Blvd
Suite #106,  PMB 56
Vancouver, WA 98682

Web Admin SWABL

Web Admin SWABL

Use this contact regarding the SWABL website and game scores if necessary.

Board Members SWABL

Board Members SWABL

Contact for the president, vp, secretary


Joe Charlone President 503-719-4777
Clint Davis Vice President 509-953-6258
Gerry Linnell Treasurer 503-891-3945
TBD Secretary TBD
Chad Anderson Fields & Facilities 360-521-4375
Joe Vajgrt Player Development 503-505-4931
Dave Stillson Sponsorships 360-600-7056
Eric Johnson Webmaster 360-450-5002